Wednesday, July 31, 2019


This morning I was reading through the August issue of the Catholic TV monthly magazine and I found an article that reminded me of my love of gardening and how I feel a sense of communion with God in my gardening chores and enjoyment of the fruits of those labors. Just looking at the variety and beauty within each flower, herb, and vegetable, is such a witness to the miracle of creation and God’s abundant gifts to us. This year my garden is particularly beautiful, which may be partly due to the rainy spring and the work I did last year to divide overgrown plants and add more compost.
Gardening is so much like life in general. As the article tells me, “Every day, God wants to speak to us through His word:
  • By clearing the rocks and weeds that are stuck in our minds and spirits;
  • By tilling the soil of our hearts; and
  • By planting good seed that can bear fruit thirty-, sixty- and a hundredfold.

Gifts from God via my flower gardens

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