Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Feast of the Holy Spirit
“On this feast of Pentecost, we celebrate the fact that this breath, this wind, this hurricane of mercy has been loosed upon the world.”
 Fr. Robert Baron
The Holy Spirit has been a mystery to me as the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is in a general sense, a difficult concept to wrap your head around. The bible includes the three persons in one God, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit throughout the bible, yet the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit have their specific entry points, Jesus in the New Testament and the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But… all three have been present eternally. I think it is easier to understand God the father (paternal relationship), and Jesus, our brother and king, vs. The Holy Spirit, which is often symbolized as a dove.
Obviously, I am no bible scholar, just a child of God wanting a relationship with the holy trinity/triune god.

The Grace to You webpage says, “Yet, though the fullness of the Trinity is far beyond human comprehension, it is unquestionably how God has revealed Himself in Scripture—as one God, eternally existing in three Persons.” This website has a nice graphic representing the triune God
Once again, I need to trust in God and have faith about the things I don’t understand. What I do understand is the wonderful gifts the Holy Spirit has for us that will bring us closer to God.
My favorite prayer for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, is from the “St. Faustina Prayer Book for the Conversion of Sinners”, by Susan Tassone.

Come, Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of wisdom and acceptance so that I may always remember that God’s thoughts and God’s ways are not often my own.

Come Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of an understanding heart and mind so that I may always grasp the Infinite Love of God which surpasses everyone and everything.

Come, Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of counsel and courage so that I may always take up my cross, and say “Yes” to Jesus in whatever he asks of me.

Come Holy Spirit, grant me the fortitude and faith so that I may always take courage in Jesus’ power and his presence and never be afraid.

Come Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of knowledge so that I may always know the Truth who is Jesus and his Church’s teachings which have set me free.

Come Holy Spirit, grant me the gift of fear of disappointing the Lord so that I may always honor God in whom I live, and move, and have my being. Amen

Pope Francis says, "The Spirit is given to us by the Father and leads us back to the Father."
Magnificat, June 2017
God Bless,

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