Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Boston's Basilica

Recently my husband and I ventured out for a pilgrimage to Boston's Basilica.
In architecture, the term basilica signifies a kingly, and secondarily a beautiful, hall. ( New Advent, Basilica-

I enjoy watching documentaries of the holy lands throughout the world and have felt left out of these experiences because of living in New England. One day I was lamenting that these holy places, particularly Marian shrines were out of my reach due to distance, travel, limited vacation time and money. I went online to look for Catholic shrines in New England and was pleasantly surprised that were many day trip or weekend destinations right here in NE. I started my bucket list and since then we have visited three holy destinations.

 On May 22nd, my husband and I visited Boston's Basilica. We left NH and got on the T outside of Boston and rode the orange line to Roxbury Crossing, and there it was, a short walk from the T station. It certainly was a majestic sight from the outside, but that was nothing compared to the beauty of this basilica on the inside. It was breathtaking, and I had a hard time focusing on the mass because I was so overwhelmed with the beauty of the architecture and artwork of the church. This was a historical moment for me as I had never been in a basilica or any church so large and beautiful. To top that off, we were blessed with a visiting choir from Toronto. At the end of the mass, the Alleluia that was sung was the most heavenly Alleluia I have ever heard.

The Boston Basilica is a shrine to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The church is well known for the healings that have happened there and you will see containers of crutches from people that were healed there. While I was there, I filled out a petition to our Lady of Perpetual Help and prayed for my personal and family needs. An older man approached me while I was in that shrine area and told me it "was all true". I must have looked like a tourist. He told me a story that he witnessed in the 1950's, where a person in a wheelchair was cured and walked out of the church.

I have attached a picture that I took that day. Pay close attention to the picture of the altar with a hanging picture of the icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. Notice the light coming from the altar and above focus on Mary and Jesus in the artwork above the altar. We did not see that light when the picture was taken. The two side areas of the altar that are beaming with light have statues of angels, which can't be seen because of the bright light. When we were sitting at the front of the church, we didn't see this brilliant light that shows up in the photo. I believe this is the presence of God and the presence of His angels that are present at every mass. What a gift it was to later process this photo and see the light.

Psalm 118:26-28New International Version (NIV)

26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
    From the house of the Lord we bless you.
27 The Lord is God,
    and he has made his light shine on us.
With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession
    up to the horns of the altar.
28 You are my God, and I will praise you;
    you are my God, and I will exalt you.

God Bless

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